Thursday 3 January 2013

India Raped!

I am scared to look at the newspaper. More than I am, to walk in the streets. I cannot see this word anymore. And I thank God for disconnecting my TV connection since two years.
Not a single day passes without hearing or reading the word 'Rape' and not only for me, for many people it causes a kind of reaction which is beyond explanation.
I am not judging the media or court. You may be doing your best. But no crime gets controlled or eliminated from our society. The number of crimes reported is increasing and thanks to God for giving strength to the weak victims to face the challenges of speaking out truth. Surely from now on, news channels and newspapers will report all kinds of crimes as India is ready to voice out the injustice done to their lives. Their voice will dirty the face of India, or the dirty face of India will be exposed.
When the fruit of the society is rotten, its root that has to be checked to know the cause of it. It is useless to count the number of rotten fruits and portraying it and describing it. What makes the society produce such vulgar produce?
Well, the Delhi incident was very different from what we had heard before. Too much for a human heart to even read, that incident is beyond tragedy or disaster. I don't want to describe it with an adjective of any language as I know that no language can bring that agony into words. That triggered everything and all the abuses and assaults and rapes surfaced and are floating on the top like corpses on the Dead Sea.
People blame the women for their dresses. May be they are bad. But does that mean that she has to be raped? Are all the women all over the world wearing any dress exhibiting anything are raped? Or is there any assurance that if all the women are well dressed, men will not look or touch them? Or is it like admitting that Indian men are out of control morally and sexually?
Consumption of alcohol beyond limits day and night starting from early ages, drugs of all kinds big and small that are available to anyone in petty shops, constant indulgence in pornographic videos and having any substance that makes a person sexually charged, the friends circle that helps and promotes all the activities and acts as gangs, separating the individual from family and religion...don't you agree that these things could be the cause of losing one's mind to behave like a moron?
Do we need alcohol and drugs to increase the revenue and build the nation? Will a nation ever grow with that kind of revenue? Can anything be washed with blood and made white? I know that I am saying something wrong according to you. But it is true that the most prestigious thing in India is alcohol. That defines all our celebrations and parties. It is the status symbol of a high class Indian.
Some of us are truly sad. Our life is disturbed by what is being heard every day. If our society was devoid of such malice, we could save the victims' parents and the culprits' parents from the agony they suffer. Now a set of parents are mourning for their lost kids and some others are morning for their kids they're going to lose.
I appreciate the alcohol-free States and Countries and they have proved that crime rates can be reduced through that. Guts and grit, how many of the head of States and Countries will have? If you just chat over the issue and act as if you don't know what the underlying problem is, India's women will come out with all the suppressed stories of suffering and discrimination.
We are watching. Don't fool us by saying that we will be spared if we are decent in our dress and talk. We are used and abused physically, mentally and sexually inside the house by our own people and outside the house by anyone on the street. Even beasts will never destroy its own kind, not kill another animal if not to eat.
I heard someone saying that women are looked as 'flesh'. I mean, even the flesh of killed animals hanging by the wayside shops can be owned by paying some money. So the human female flesh is the cheapest of all things in this world? Whatever you consider we are, take off your hands from us. You have no right to touch a woman. You are a criminal if you do so.
Head of States, stop wiping your tears. Let emotions subside and let the brain think and find REMEDIES and SOLUTIONS. Let wisdom prevail.
And ladies and girls learn self defense before your turn comes. And stop running after men blindly and trusting all strangers just because they smiled at you and told you "I love you". Be level headed. Be bold. Take extreme care of yourself and be wise and brave.
Ending with a prayer and a wish to see my country free from the slavery of its own vices. Somebody give Bharat Matha some hope, please..

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