Sunday 30 December 2012

He sent the word!

At the altar I knelt with some nagging hurt which had to be healed
Tears flowed and I told Him what and how I feel and why.
I asked Him only one thing, to make me feel that He is enough for me
All I wanted was my heart to smile in my loneliness
I was sure that He would speak to me
But when I opened my Bible I didn't get a response
'The answer will be sent' thus said He to my soul
So, closing my Bible, I got back to my table, back to my work
I needed a marker desperately and I couldn't find any
Sure of the number and colour, I looked for them in every room, everywhere.
None was found, but the search brought out some other forgotten things
Happy to find a key chain for the car key, I wound up my search for the marker
Still in its cover, fresh and new, gave me some relief that my search wasn't in vain
I took it out and looked at the picture of the empty cross with His stole hanging on it
On the other side was written 'Jesus Never Fails' and I was happy about my finding
The very next moment I heard my soul say 'The word is sent'
What! The word? Yes, the word was sent. "Jesus Never Fails"
My heart filled, my smile came back, my joy was restored
I decided to start my work without the marker, but then I found something else
An orange ink pen which would be more than enough to replace the marker.
"Just with one word HE pressed His way through my madness and His love has healed my soul!!!"

If no one teaches, who will learn?

In India, from birth till death, a person is defined and glorified by knowledge! Throughout one's life in schools and colleges, everyone looked on his the notebooks and exam papers and defined him good or bad. 
It's truly disturbing to explain what I see in the educational field. Political influence and Government policies make school authorities to remove discipline from the curriculum. As discipline is the foundation of education, the management, teachers and students stand on a platform which constantly shakes. This brings forth agitation and remorse feelings of all kind, destroying the chance of a student-teacher relationship.
The parents interfere in everything that the teacher does and teaches the teacher how to teach. Why all these knowledgeable people aren't opting for a job in schools, then? Because all have better jobs or don't have any other jobs?
Sorry to be harsh. But it is true that some parents prevent the teachers from bringing the child to good discipline and behaviour. The government sends instructions after instructions to remind the teacher that she has no right to correct the child.
We protect them when they are small and pet and pamper them giving in to all their wishes and fancies and one day they kick us away from their territory and hide whatever they do with their friends and strangers.
The same adults who protected them wash their hands if these kids end up in an abuse in the family or in a marriage, by telling them that it is their fate and just bear it!
We must check if we are truly responsible and truly loving! The answer is for the individual to find.
India has money and brains, but not yet developed as many Asian countries. With all the monuments preserved and made, no safety can be assured to a visitor. No degrees or high titles or jobs or financial status could ever make a difference in the behavioural pattern of Indians. People of all class can be found breaking all the laws in the same way. Smoking, use of alcohol and drugs, abuse of all kinds, etc. happen everywhere, making the learned and ignorant equals.
So what was the role of schools or colleges or whatever knowledge that we acquired over the years? If Indians are going to focus on an educational system without discipline and values as its foundation, we have to be ready to see our kids either being victims or being culprits. If we had to teach discipline and behaviour and impart values in kids, we wouldn't have witnessed so much of dying and killing and sentencing to death, in their youth. 
I feel bad for the victims' parents as well as the culprits' parents. This is not what any parent would want to happen to their kids. Most of the parents love their kids. But did we fail to teach and correct them when it was still possible?
The joy of the birth of the child starts at home and the tragedy that they bring ends at home. A child is not a toy to enjoy. He is your responsibility. 
Values are not taught, but caught. I wish each adult do some sacrifice to show a living example for the youngsters and I wish the youngsters to look and learn from an adult who lives a life of values.
 Religion, God and prayer are kept away from the busy lives and are used as hospitals and doctors, in times to run, in emergency situations.
Knowledge is not enough to live. Wisdom is the source of life and it is the gift of God. God is author and base of life and God is love. Address of God? Anywhere. His contact? Prayer.
May the New Year 2013 bring peace and joy and love to your hearts and homes and may it be pure enough for your God to reside and may you shine before others with the light of your God.
God bless...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

12 - 12 - 12

This morning, I got a wish from a friend…
“Today is  12 - 12 - 12.   A similar date will occur only in the next century.  Most of us won’t be there to see that.   Let’s make this a Special Day”   
True..none of the people of my generation will be there, for sure.
But we saw 1999 and 2000! Then we saw 1-1-11, 10- 10 -10, 11-11-11, 12-12-12!!!
And why should we wish to see more of this, as we are a generation who saw almost everything!
We are a few people lived on planet Earth, who witnessed two Centuries and two Millenniums. Youngsters may ask us, “so what?”
How to explain? But at least let me try to.
When we were born, India had a few radios, a few telephones, and a few record players.
The radios stood high on a radio stand, which was luxurious furniture in some homes. If not run by electricity, it was called a transistor, which would run with batteries.
The telephones were black and bulky, except for some rich banglaws which had one, looking so posh and stylish. The dial of the telephones, we had to rotate each number a half circle, in order to dial, and each rotation would make a ‘dring’ sound, quite interesting.
The records were as big as a plate and there was a surface for it to rotate, with a sharp pin touching it from the side.
A few were blessed with one or two toys, but we played with anything and everything from nature. We created our own toys and our court yards were safe to play.
Games were plenty and many are extinct now, and I cannot explain them here.
Books were everyone’s friends and our parents and grandparents, our story tellers. Friends were few, but no one got bored, as families were close knit.
We saw our grand parents’ houses made fully of wood and craft works, some of its floor was polished by cow dung. Many houses were thatched roofed, in the neighbourhood. Our houses were mostly cemented, with cement floors or polished with red oxide. There were no show cases and no show pieces.
Our clothes were few and most of them, cotton or silk. Our vessels were made of brass, copper, iron and aluminium. Vessels and pots made of clay were mainly used for cooking and polished coconut shell served as spoons, with the handle made of the wood of the coconut tree. Our grand parents’ generation used only ceramic plates and bowls to have their food, where as we had steel plates and tumblers.
Our grandparents wore traditional dresses of the state and religion, and it is our parent’s generation who started wearing saris and pants and shirts. Kids had shorts and shirt, or frocks.
Water was drawn from wells, and we took bath in the river or in bathrooms which were outside the houses.
Fruits and vegetables mostly came from our trees and garden, and food was cooked either using firewood, kerosene stove or an electric hotplate.
Verandas accommodated the visitors and people could visit anyone, anytime.
Schools and colleges were far, and buses very few, cars very rare and we used to walk or cycle miles. The main vehicle for transporting goods was the bullock cart.
Milk came from the cows grown in our homes, oil from the coconut trees or other seeds, and most of the ailments were cured by the parts of the plants that were grown all around us.
There were houses with and some without electricity, petrol max or kerosene lanterns or lamps were common.
There was no calling bells for homes and there was enough silence to hear if anyone calls from outside.
Food was cooked and served at homes and restaurants were meant for travellers. Our outings were limited to Churches or temples or Mosques, and at the maximum it reached a cinema theatre. Rarely there were plays and concerts performed on special occasions.
Thus it goes, my list..which will have no end…
Then, slowly our generation saw many things. Cooking gas stove, Television, Tape recorder, Audio and Video Cassettes, Toys, Computers, Cell Phones, etc. etc…
Finally we moved on to a life style with new things and our world was filled with plastic and electronic stuff.
The dresses and the foot wears that we saw in pictures and films from other states and countries came to our homes too. The new stuff and word called “Synthetic” came to the scene. The hair styles changed, cycles were replaced by bikes and cars.
Our houses got show cases and food was eaten sometimes in restaurants.
The roads started flooding with buses and trucks and bullock carts were pushed out by animal activists.
Dogs and cats which remained outdoors started coming in and became available in all breeds. Birds were caged and fishes moved in to aquariums.
Slates and slate pencils disappeared and notebooks and fountain and ball point pens came in to class rooms.
The new things that came in, we called them “Modern” and that too was a Modern word!
We saw the transition of many things, yet we remained stable without losing our past. The ones who invented the modern gadgets, many belong to our generation. They work in all fields, holds all posts, in India and abroad. Even in less than 50 years, many of us celebrated the transition of the Millennium and welcomed the 21st Century! From our parents we have heard the stories of British rule as they have seen Gandhiji and witnessed the year of independence. Our grandparents studies in schools started by English and their brain could calculate anything without calculators. We knew from them the stories of their childhood days and how the world existed without plastic and paper!
We used everything that was introduced on our journey through this world, and most of us are well informed and updated about the modern gadgets and use it well.   
This journey through the transitions has made us special in some way. I find most of us content in their lives and not scared of changing scenes in life. We all say this in common…“We are fortunate to have lived with and without, and we have seen it all.”
At the end of this wonderful day 12-12-12, I would say…. I definitely don’t regret that I wouldn't be here to see this date when it repeats…but I am eternally grateful to God that I was chosen to be born in my generation, a generation which earned a lot of wisdom from their journey, a generation which has a lot of tales to tell.
Hope my fellow folks would agree with me and I wish you all contentment about our great lifetime.
Before this day ends, let me post this blog…I may not find such a fancy date again!

Sunday 18 November 2012

The sky is the limit, for a few fortunate!!

“What language is thine, O sea?”
“The language of eternal question.”
“What language is thy answer, O sky?”
“The language of eternal silence.”

          Rabindranath Tagore (Stray Birds)

I wonder what you would've felt when you wrote these words, Tagore!
But I know what I feel right now as I agree to your words, gently.

When the sea of life roars and beats against the rocks and returns,
It knows its limit is a few metres from the shore.

When its fury can kill many and even swallow some land,
It knows it has to go back and settle in its place.

The sea strives to be, but it seems like a performance!
Its waves and tides are sites that others watch.

Life of the sea looks like a dance of water!
So does an average life on earth, a drama to the human eye!

Limits! Limits! Limits! All doors closed!
There you stand! Not a step forward!

Injustice! You cry! Salt water mingles with salt water,
Your tears don’t change anything anywhere!

The clouds will pass, the rain will fall,
And you’ll watch it all from below.

Life of the affluent, powerful, and intellects
Will shine above you like stars.

You’ll rise in rage when moon pulls you
And burn in heat when sun hits you.

Everything has the power to affect you
Still you have to be, you have to bear!

You never have a rainbow, never an array of colours
You just have to live in the borrowed colours that you ought to reflect.

Your looks are not for you to create
It has to change with the tones of the sky!

But then, O sea, it is the story of your troubled waters atop,
Beneath, you store a mysterious world of baffling magic.

Years and years of all that you went through
Have turned to precious incomparable rare treasures.

Amber, Coral and Pearl and much more
Are formed in your heart as a reward for all that you endure.

Nothing much can be changed in your life,
Yet, look within your wondrous self, when you cannot reach the sky!

Sky is not the limit for everyone. I've seen in this life that the upward journey is mostly decided by the number of blocks that a person has to cross on his way. Remembering the lives of many unfortunate people who never could live their dreams due to their situations and circumstances, yet inspiring everyone to value their lives and strive to take the next step in faith and gratitude to God, I post this blog...Sindhu

Wednesday 7 November 2012

My Papa, My Champion!

                  For the past three days I was just anxiously waiting for my Papa to finish through his events in the 17th Asian Masters' Athletic Championship, being held at Taipei. I feel like running to any mountain top and to shout that my Papa won 3 Gold Medals in the meet, for 80 metres and 200 metres hurdles and steeplechase (2000 metres), respectively. 
         At the age of 83, he still runs and jumps over the hurdles and brings home medals and certificates. I was a school kid when Papa started participating in Masters' Athletics (for 40+ men and 35+ women). No one else but Papa was interested in athletics in our family. Papa used to go regularly for the District level, State level and National level meets and he won many prizes. 
         As a child, he had to climb up and down many hills, running and crossing many hurdles to go to school. Like many of the athletes of Kerala, the first practice sessions were done through this running and jumping. The only practice he ever had for long jump was his daily jumping across a stream that he had to cross while going to school. Unfortunately he didn't reach the Olympics as no one was there to train him up. But out of his own interest he participated in every meet in School and College levels. In addition, he was in both football and basketball teams.
         Till he retired from his teaching job, his day consisted of his job at school, work in our plot and sports practice. I still remember him exercising in the evening in our courtyard. He used to fix two wooden sticks as poles and after carefully measuring the height, would tie a cord connecting both, to make it a hurdle to jump over. The space was so limited, just enough to run and jump once. The practice would become rigorous as the date approaches for the meets, and the venue would be the nearby college stadium. 
         After retirement he was fully engaged in agriculture. No amount of tiring work or sickness could defeat his spirit and he ran every year, in every meet. Last year he completed 60 years in hurdles, a rare achievement in the field of athletics.
         He caught our attention and admiration as he grew old, when we were worried about his age and health. It was a few years back that my mom and my family accompanied him to the stadium for a National meet. We were so thrilled to see Papa running in full speed. Suddenly he missed his step, he fell down, but before we could worry, he jumped up and ran forward overtaking his opponents to win the gold! 
         When I went last week to wish him before he left for Taipei, he looked so tired after the recent fever he had. My only concern and prayer was his safe homecoming. He sounded like a kid when he called after winning his first gold and he told that he is sure to win the next. He did. Third day was the steeplechase, a 2000-metres race crossing water, hurdles, etc.  When I told him that he should stop when and if he feels tired, he laughed and told me, "it's nothing, I will do it easily". Yes, he was right. He won his third gold this morning as he finished it.
         As a child, I would check the next day's newspaper to see if my Papa's photo was published. Never he came in news as he was an ordinary person. I used to get angry when I saw pictures of influential people who won second or third places, printed big with captions. Years later he came in small pictures and last year one of his old students wrote an article about him in Malayala Manorama Newspaper. 

         People like my Papa make their way to the victory stand by their own efforts and means. They pay for their travel and stay, wherever they go. The old and the weak still run with their eyes fixed on the finishing line, not on fame. No distance can stop them from running; no hurdle can hinder their determination.

         My Papa will be back to his routine life as soon as he comes back from Taipei. A few associations and institutions of our village will honour him. He will humbly continue his life as if nothing great ever happened.
         I am so proud to know that the 80+ age group World Record for 80 metres and 200 metres hurdles are held by my Papa. He is one of the oldest people in the world who participate in hurdles race. 
         After all these years, I have lost interest in seeing my Papa's photos and news in a big column in any newspaper or in any TV channel. Now all I pray is that he must be healthy and strong and be granted a visa to go for the World meet in Brazil, without hurdles. (Papa and other athletes from Kerala didn't get their Visa to go to Europe for their 2007 World meet.) 

         My hearty congratulations to all the elderly people who went to Taipei and participated and won medals for their respective events. I appreciate and salute your spirit that leads you to distant places and strengthens you to finish your events. Most of all, I admire your focus and goal towards your purpose, without expecting to be in the limelight or being applauded in public.

         Thanks to the Senior Citizens' and Pensioners' associations and the Sports associations which encourage and support these people and their talents. I pray that God may provide Papa enough strength to run the race of life and on the way to cross the hurdles and win the prizes till the end.

His proud daughter.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

My God

God is not someone I saw, God is the one I knew
God is not someone who kept me from falling; God is the one who made me get up when I fell
God is the manna of my desert and the brook in the rock
God is the one who held me in my brokenness and who heard me when I called.

God is my peace in loneliness and my happiness in nothingness
God is my light in the darkness and my love in adversity
God is not someone who gave me plenty; God is the one who created in me a grateful heart
God is not someone who fulfilled my desires; God is the one who liberated me from desires

God is the stillness in my silence and the compassion in my tears
God didn't answer my questions, but God was my answer always in everything
God is the smile in my despair; God is the Companion in my prison
God is my shade in the burning sun; God is my boat in deep waters

God is my strength when I sink deep; the God is my shore in the mid-sea
God is my owner when I am nil; He is the address when I am disgraced
God is the one who comes near when I say I have no one
God is my treasure when I cry that I have nothing

God is my heart's fulfilment in times of barrenness
God is the essence of my life when the meaning of life is lost
God is the holiness that cleanses me when I'm filled with wickedness
God is my strength that stands by me in pits and flames

God is the shepherd who looks for me when lost; God is the one who welcomes me forever
God is my salvation in deadly poison and in dreadful horror
God is the love without reason, God is the unending mercy
God is my refuge in cold; God is my shade in heat

God is the sight of the blind and the hearing of the deaf
God is the path of the lame and hope of the humble
God is the asylum of the sinner and the sanctuary of the oppressed
God is the one who transforms my curses into blessings and my needs into plenty

God is my guide and my way, God is the voice that is heard when I call
God is everything when I have no one; God is the one who doesn't forget me even if I do
God is the truth that I search; God is the life that I live
God is the one who cares for me always; God is the one who protects me always

God is not someone who I can portray in my words; God is the one who cannot be contained in my words
God is the greatness which I cannot understand; God is my Creator who understood me
God is my key to the closed doors; God is the one who opens invisible paths for me
God is the treasure who I can say is mine; God is the Friend who made me His own.

God is the wisdom of the ignorant; God is the tower of the feeble
God is the one who teaches me to pray, God is the one who receives my prayer
God is the one who reads my mind in times of defeat, hardships, and heartbreaks
God is the one who made me out of nothing; God is the one who told me not to be afraid

God is the one who stands with me till the end, God is the one who takes me home at the end
God is the one who is beyond my words, God is the Great Love who never changes His words to me.

എന്‍റെ ദൈവം

ഞാന്‍ കണ്ടതല്ല ദൈവം, ഞാന്‍ അറിഞ്ഞതാണു ദൈവം
എന്നെ വീഴാതെ നിര്‍ത്തിയവനല്ല ദൈവം, വീണ എന്നെ ഴുന്നേല്‍പ്പിച്ചവനാണു ദൈവം 
എന്‍റെ മരുഭൂമിയിലെ മന്നായും, പാറയിലെ നീരുരുവയുമാണു  ദൈവം 
എന്നെ തകര്‍ച്ചയില്‍ താങ്ങിയവനും, ഞാന്‍ വിളിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ കേട്ടവനുമാണു ദൈവം

ഏകാന്തതയിലെന്‍റെ സമാധാനവും, ഇല്ലായ്മയിലെന്‍റെ സന്തോഷവുമാണു ദൈവം 
കൂരിരുട്ടിലെന്‍റെ വെളിച്ചവും, ക്രൂരതയിലെന്‍റെ സ്നേഹവുമാണു ദൈവം 
എനിക്കൊരുപാടു തന്നവനല്ല  ദൈവം, നന്ദിയുള്ള  ഹൃദയം എന്നില്‍ തന്നവനാണു ദൈവം
എന്നെ തൃപ്തിപ്പെടുത്തിയവനല്ല ദൈവം,  ഇഷ്ട്ടങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നും എന്നെ വിടുവിച്ചവനാണു ദൈവം 

എന്‍റെ നിശബ്ദതയില്‍  ശാന്തതയും,  എന്‍റെ കണ്ണുനീരില്‍ കാരുണ്യവുമാണു   ദൈവം
എന്‍റെ ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ക്കുത്തരം പറഞ്ഞില്ല  ദൈവം, എന്നും എല്ലാത്തിനും എനിക്കുത്തരമായവനാണു ദൈവം 
എന്‍റെ നിരാശയിലെ  ചിരിയാണു  ദൈവം,  എന്‍റെ കാരഗ്രഹതിലെ കൂട്ടാണു  ദൈവം 
ഉച്ചവെയിലില്‍  എന്‍റെ നിഴലാണു  ദൈവം,  പെരുംവെള്ളത്തില്‍ എന്‍റെ തോണിയാണു ദൈവം 

മുങ്ങിത്താഴുമ്പോള്‍ എന്‍റെ ബലമാണു ദൈവം, നടുക്കടലില്‍   എന്‍റെ കരയാണു ദൈവം 
വിലയില്ലാത്തപ്പോള്‍   എന്‍റെ ഉടമസ്ഥനാണു ദൈവം, നിന്ദയില്‍ എന്‍റെ മേലവിലാസമാണു ദൈവം 
ആരുമില്ലെന്നു ഞാന്‍  പറയുമ്പോള്‍  എന്‍റെ അരുകില്‍ വരും  ആളാണു ദൈവം 
ഒന്നുമില്ലെനിക്കെന്നു വിലപിക്കുമ്പോള്‍  എന്‍റെ സ്വത്താകും ദൈവം  

ഞാന്‍ ശൂന്യമാകുന്ന സമയത്തു മനസ്സിന്‍റെ  നിറവാണു  ദൈവം 
അര്‍ഥമില്ലാത്ത  നേരത്തെന്‍ ജീവന്‍റെ അന്ത സത്തയാണു  ദൈവം 
ഞാന്‍ തിന്മയാല്‍  നിറയുമ്പോള്‍ എന്നെ വെടിപ്പാക്കുന്ന വിശുദ്ധിയാണു ദൈവം 
ആഴത്തിലും  പിന്നെ  ആഴിയിലും  കൂടെ നില്‍ക്കുന്ന  എന്‍റെ ശക്തിയാണു  ദൈവം 

കാണാതെപോകുമ്പോള്‍ എന്നെ തേടുന്ന  ഇടയനും,  എന്നെ സ്വീകരിപ്പാന്‍  മനസ്സുള്ളവനും ദൈവം
കൊടും വിഷത്തിലും, ഖോര  ഭീകരതയിലും, എന്‍റെ രക്ഷയാണു ദൈവം 
കാരണമില്ലാത്ത സ്നേഹമാണു ദൈവം,  നിലയ്ക്കാത്ത  കരുണയാണു ദൈവം 
തണുപ്പില്‍  എന്‍റെ അഭയവും,  ചൂടില്‍ എന്‍റെ തണലുമാണു ദൈവം 


കുരുടന്‍റെ കാഴ്ചയും,  ചെകിടന്‍റെ  കേള്‍വിയുമാണു  ദൈവം 
മുടന്തന്‍റെ  പാതയും, എളിയവന്‍റെ  പ്രത്യാശയുമാണു ദൈവം 
പാപിയുടെ  ശരണവും, പീഡിതന്‍റെ സങ്കേതവുമാണു  ദൈവം 
എന്‍റെ തിന്മയെ  നന്മയാക്കുന്നവനും,  എന്‍റെ കുറവിനെ  നിറവാക്കുന്നവനുമാണു  ദൈവം 

എന്‍റെ വഴികാട്ടിയും  വഴിയുമാണു  ദൈവം, ഞാന്‍ വിളിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ കേള്‍ക്കുന്ന  ശബ്ദമാണു  ദൈവം 
എനിക്കാരുമില്ലാത്തപ്പോള്‍ എല്ലാമാണു  ദൈവം,  ഞാന്‍  മറന്നാലും എന്നെ മറക്കാത്തവനാണു ദൈവം 
ഞാന്‍  അന്വേഷിക്കും സത്യമാണു ദൈവം,  ഞാന്‍  ജീവിക്കും  ജീവനാണു  ദൈവം 
എനിക്കുവേണ്ടി സദാ കരുതുന്നവനാണു  ദൈവം, എന്നെ സദാ പരിപാലിക്കുന്നവനാണു ദൈവം 

എന്‍റെ വാക്കുകളാല്‍ വര്‍ണിക്കാന്‍  കഴിയുന്നവനല്ല  ദൈവം, എന്‍റെ  വാക്കുകളില്‍ ഒതുങ്ങാത്തവനാണു ദൈവം 
എനിക്കുള്‍ക്കൊള്ളാന്‍  പറ്റാത്ത മഹത്വമാണു  ദൈവം,  എന്നെ  ഉള്‍ക്കൊണ്ട  എന്‍റെ സൃഷ്ടാവാണു  ദൈവം 
അടഞ്ഞ വാതിലുകളില്‍ എന്‍റെ താക്കോലാണു ദൈവം, കാണാത്ത വഴികള്‍ എനിക്കു തുറക്കുന്നവനാണു ദൈവം 
എന്‍റെ  സ്വന്തമെന്നു  പറയാവുന്ന  നിധിയാണു ദൈവം , എന്നെ  സ്വന്തമാക്കിയ എന്‍റെ സഖിയാണു ദൈവം 

അജ്ഞ്ഞരുടെ  ജ്ഞാനമാണു  ദൈവം,  നിരാലംബരുടെ  കോട്ടയാണു  ദൈവം 
എന്നെ പ്രാര്‍ഥന  പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നവന്‍  ദൈവം, എന്‍റെ പ്രാര്‍ഥന  കൈക്കൊള്ളുന്നവന്‍  ദൈവം 
തോല്‍‌വിയില്‍, പ്രയാസങ്ങളില്‍,  മനം  നീറുന്ന  നേരത്തില്‍, എന്‍റെ ഹൃദയം വായിക്കുന്നവന്‍ ദൈവം 
ഒന്നുമില്ലായ്കയില്‍   നിന്നെന്നെ മെനഞ്ഞവന്‍  ദൈവം, ഒന്നും ഭയപ്പെടേണ്ടെന്നെന്നോടു പറഞ്ഞവന്‍ ദൈവം 

അവസാനത്തോളം എന്‍റെ കൂടെ നില്‍ക്കുന്നതും ദൈവം, അവസാനം എന്നെ വീട്ടില്‍ കൂട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്നതും ദൈവം
എന്‍റെ വാക്കുകള്‍ക്കതീതമായവന്‍  ദൈവം  എന്നോടു വാക്കു മാറ്റാത്ത  മഹത്സ്നേഹവും സ്നേഹവും  ദൈവം 

Monday 10 September 2012

Seeing is believing? Just believe what you see ! It’s a kind of magic!!

Do you see the mountains and sea and sky or more?

See whatever you want to see and enjoy!

Do you see the white waves in the blue sea?
     During his lonely walk in Leh mountain top, my husband took these pics! The best gift he brought home!

      The flight took off from Chennai by 2 15 pm. I was on my way to Mumbai. I just had to spend less than 2 hours before I reach my destination. Too tired to take my lap top, too sleepy to read a book, I simply started staring through the window.
      The same thing as always...houses, buildings, roads...within a few seconds everything looked small and I realised that I was in an airplane flying on the air.
      Soon the things on the ground were out of sight and the flight went up to the clouds. I still continued looking through the windows. After few seconds, the blue and white clouds formed the pattern of a roaring sea..where blue looked like water and white like the waves. I felt so happy and excited looking at my self-made reality and it didn’t look like anything other than the sea which brings its waves towards me. The airplane that I travelled became a boat and I enjoyed my boat ride on the sea. It was a long boat ride along the water.
      Later on, the sea was no more there. There were only white clouds around me..huge...and I missed my boat ride and the waves and the sea...I was lost in a place called nowhere and I didn’t know what to do.
      There I realised the next thing. All these clouds that I see around turned to snow covered mountains. Another reality, my own, my world. My airplane changed to an air conditioned double decker bus and it moved by the side of snow mountains. And from the top deck window seat, what did I see? Alps? Himalayas? I could see mountains, beautiful.
      As I went on, I could see the top of each snow heap, big and small and I understood that I am travelling in my dreams. From top, they looked like undersea corals. They were gigantic and pure white and I moved on without touching them, but they touching my heart and spirit.
      Then the strangest thing happened. I found me again back in the upper deck of the AC bus, then after a few minutes, I was in my boat. As it moved forward, I saw houses, buildings, bleu tarpaulin covered huts of Mumbai slums, and I found myself above them. I was flying once again in the airplane! And soon I heard a thud as it landed on the ground and as it ran on the runway, I was still wondering about this miraculous reality that was mine for some time. Within an hour and 45 minutes, I saw in my imaginary reality, the Creation of God, from another point of view, making it a magical world for me.
      On the way to Mumbai from Chennai, I saw many places, travelled through many worlds.
      Along with the exquisite tour that I had with my Creator, He also left a big Spiritual lesson in my heart. I have the ability and possibility of making reality into imagination and imagination into reality. All that I see may not be real and what looks real to me may be is just the way I see it. It is up to me to see it the way I want around me and to take it in any way that I like. And if I really want to see, I can see magic and God in everything around and enjoy my journey.
      I pray to God that I must walk my path of life, enjoying every moment of it, seeing in everything something that will excite me and make me happy and think of my Creator, making something very ordinary, to an extra ordinary sight in my eyes. Thank you Lord Almighty for adding some miraculous, mysterious, magical moments to my life!

To Captain, with Gratitude

  (Dedicated to Dr Rajesh M Ramankutty, Cardiothoracic surgeon, Caritas Heart Institute, Kerala. My Papa got a new lease of  life through a ...