Friday 1 April 2011

Summer cool...

Green leaves in summer catch the eye of any passer by.

Amidst the brown and black naked twigs and branches of their neighbours, some trees display their green carpet of tender new leaves.

There are some other trees which replace their green by yellow, purple, orange or lavender bunches of flowers.

They lift up our dry soul to a quick amazing healing space.

They can comfort us, inspire us, motivate us and make us forget about the harsh summer.

Without all these trees, our nature would look so empty and dead.

It is remarkable that these were the trees which no one would've admired, or not even noticed before or after summer!! No one would've seen it shedding its leaves when all others were green!!

These are our loved ones who act as a balm in our wounded days...they are the ones who act as a well in our drought..

From no where, they appear...we call them heaven-sent...

They take up the job of God's messengers, God's healers, God's angels..

Thanks to all of you dear can count your life worthy, just for being there, where God planted you, for someone's survival..perhaps for their salvation!! 

Tuesday 15 March 2011

There is a way...

There is a lie that lives in all of us which makes us believe that our life and its events are decided by fate or destiny or people or anything external.
All of us know that this is a lie, as we do not really agree with this thought either. Yet we use this lie as a reason for all our faults and failures.
We blame anything and anyone but us, when we have to take responsibility of our actions. We portray our life as a coconut floating in a river, whose directions and conditions, the river decides.
Shall we face the question now.."Are we happy with this type of life?"
The answer is often "no"...but we find ourselves settling for the same life, which is created by other people and events.
Some great people lived on this planet and they were so different from the rest. They never let their life to be affected by anything or anyone. They had a dream, they lived to fulfill that dream and thus were called great.
But most of us live on others' opinions and ideas. Negativity creeps in when someone criticises or comments. Perhaps it was others' opinions which made us live in the negativity for all these years. We might defend ourselves by shouting or arguing...yet we were affected because we believed in the lie that others are better judges of our life.
Others' ideas or opinions can make us confused and lose all the control over ourselves.
Life starts, the moment we start to live as an individual using our potential, following our dreams.
Starting of life never happens by the coconut floating on top of the water.
It has to be planted at the right place, under right conditions.
We too must be planted so that we may grow.
It doesn't matter who or what decided our life. It doesn't matter how we felt about such a past.
Listen to the truth which whispers soft that we have a great life to live. Our wishes, our ideas, our dreams, our passion, our focus, our potential...everything matters.
Our past should be thrown out of our life or used as manure for our growth.
We need to spread out our roots far and wide to absorb the goodness around and spread it out to our entire being. We must find and follow light which makes us green and glow. We must be in harmony with the other creations yet must stand unique in existence and purpose.
Once when we start living our own life, designing and deciding it following our inner voice, it slowly grows to heights and starts flowering and yielding fruits and gives shade to the needy. We become positive and radiate the power of love and confidence around us. We become a good sight for others to see.
A new feeling.... a new conviction....slowly fills our soul.
Let us find our place to be planted, our source of nourishment and reason of living...
Our world should be our creation..not a ready made prison of others' ideas and decisions.
Unless and until we open our wings, we will never fly...and we will never start living if we don't plant ourselves and help us grow...
Nothing is ever late...even if we turn the lights on after hours of darkness, as soon as the light spreads, the darkness is dead and forgotten. One moment of life in light is enough to erase the darkness of a negative dissatisfied past.
Everything is in us...take courage...let us come out of the cages even if they are made of gold...That is the will of our Creator, for us. Good news is...there is a way...
It is better to happily smile in our loneliness than to pretend to be happy by laughing in the crowd.

Friday 4 March 2011

Embrace life!

It takes great courage to live when you realise that life is no mere spending time on earth or an art of survival.

It took long years for me to understand that life is not a space where I exist, but a path that I walk on this earth.

My physique needs food and care, my mind needs positive thoughts and my spirit needs convictions.
If I need to live, I need to supply myself with all the necessities of my body, mind and spirit.
I am a product of what I give myself.

I am too tired of reasoning. Facts are facts and they exist.

To exist in this planet as a being, occupying the space in which I exist, is life and it is a blessed opportunity. At the end of this journey I would feel proud, if I can take up the responsibility of all good and bad events of my life, without pride or guilt.

Expectation is just a bad habit that I had and I thought I had the right to expect others to be and to do things in my life.

But no man in this world is created to live another one’s life…

Now, I do not want to expect anything even from me. I let myself to be a human, natural, prone to make mistakes, yet yearning to be good…
I give myself space and time to grow…
After all, I must realize that I am living on earth for the first time!
So I just try to exist in harmony with myself and other creations, as it is the Divine will.

A few years back, I lived, swallowing what others prepared for me.
I admired people who led a quiet normal life and used to ask them the recipe for a peaceful, successful life.
Most of them fed me with their delicacies, instead of teaching me the recipe.

I lived on their advice and directions and I survived as long as they were available.
But once they left me, I went starving..I felt empty, sad, moreover abandoned…
The consequence of living in others’ mercy!

Finally there came a time when all suppliers left and I had to stand alone…starving…lonely…and lost…
I reached a point of sinking…weary and worn out…
But before my eyes closed, I heard a voice from within me…

It said, “cook your own food”.
I had no strength…no courage…no will…
But I felt someone inside me, who could help me to get over my misery.
A hope to live and a determination to face life filled me and I started to teach myself the recipes of good life.
Of course, it took too much time to learn.

Everything was a fresh experiment.
To find the right ingredients, right methods, right tastes….many a times, I failed.
But I felt so lucky when I could serve me at least a spoonful of self cooked food.

Even now I follow some good recipes which I see in others’ lives,
and I share mine with others…
but I don’t starve to death, as I’ve learnt the art of living…

My own inner voice is the only one which I can hear even in my loneliness.
That is the only voice which I can follow always till the end of my life.

I am running out of time….
I need to live the remaining years of my life enjoying every moment,
taking responsibility of all my actions,
trying to live the best way possible,
yet to forgive myself for my mistakes and laugh at them
and try again to move on with life,
being at peace with myself, God and His creations,
breathing till the last breath, holding on to love,
to see love…to feel love…to know love…and to be love.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Great Life!

Great is this life that we live

Each day unfolds as a mystery

And it turns into a history

Days of light and nights of dark

Each gives us space to choose

From all the gifts of earth and Heaven

Get them have them enjoy them

As all is yours always.

To Captain, with Gratitude

  (Dedicated to Dr Rajesh M Ramankutty, Cardiothoracic surgeon, Caritas Heart Institute, Kerala. My Papa got a new lease of  life through a ...