Past, a story often told
Future, a mystery untold
Both are ghosts beyond our hold
A day named today waits to unfold
Yesterdays’ regrets, makes a load so heavy
Tomorrows’ dreams, a sea so wavy
Making mortals feel so lowly
What we are, but a mask so lovely!
Past and future has no place in present
Each day is God-sent, received as present
Never to succumb to evil’s torment
Forever to fetch a fresh fruitful moment
Life on Earth can be hell or Heaven
No raven can stop us making our haven
Minds better kept tender lest they harden
And may we thrive as a well-tended garden
Friends and fiends will come and leave
Life is a tapestry that we alone weave
Not a load that we’re bound to heave
For sure a miracle hard to believe
Never let's say that there isn't a cure
As life starts anew every new day pure
Along our way some misery is sure
Life is rewarding for those who endure
A very positive take on life . It is precious gift of god . It should be taken for granted . Well written