Sunday 30 December 2012

If no one teaches, who will learn?

In India, from birth till death, a person is defined and glorified by knowledge! Throughout one's life in schools and colleges, everyone looked on his the notebooks and exam papers and defined him good or bad. 
It's truly disturbing to explain what I see in the educational field. Political influence and Government policies make school authorities to remove discipline from the curriculum. As discipline is the foundation of education, the management, teachers and students stand on a platform which constantly shakes. This brings forth agitation and remorse feelings of all kind, destroying the chance of a student-teacher relationship.
The parents interfere in everything that the teacher does and teaches the teacher how to teach. Why all these knowledgeable people aren't opting for a job in schools, then? Because all have better jobs or don't have any other jobs?
Sorry to be harsh. But it is true that some parents prevent the teachers from bringing the child to good discipline and behaviour. The government sends instructions after instructions to remind the teacher that she has no right to correct the child.
We protect them when they are small and pet and pamper them giving in to all their wishes and fancies and one day they kick us away from their territory and hide whatever they do with their friends and strangers.
The same adults who protected them wash their hands if these kids end up in an abuse in the family or in a marriage, by telling them that it is their fate and just bear it!
We must check if we are truly responsible and truly loving! The answer is for the individual to find.
India has money and brains, but not yet developed as many Asian countries. With all the monuments preserved and made, no safety can be assured to a visitor. No degrees or high titles or jobs or financial status could ever make a difference in the behavioural pattern of Indians. People of all class can be found breaking all the laws in the same way. Smoking, use of alcohol and drugs, abuse of all kinds, etc. happen everywhere, making the learned and ignorant equals.
So what was the role of schools or colleges or whatever knowledge that we acquired over the years? If Indians are going to focus on an educational system without discipline and values as its foundation, we have to be ready to see our kids either being victims or being culprits. If we had to teach discipline and behaviour and impart values in kids, we wouldn't have witnessed so much of dying and killing and sentencing to death, in their youth. 
I feel bad for the victims' parents as well as the culprits' parents. This is not what any parent would want to happen to their kids. Most of the parents love their kids. But did we fail to teach and correct them when it was still possible?
The joy of the birth of the child starts at home and the tragedy that they bring ends at home. A child is not a toy to enjoy. He is your responsibility. 
Values are not taught, but caught. I wish each adult do some sacrifice to show a living example for the youngsters and I wish the youngsters to look and learn from an adult who lives a life of values.
 Religion, God and prayer are kept away from the busy lives and are used as hospitals and doctors, in times to run, in emergency situations.
Knowledge is not enough to live. Wisdom is the source of life and it is the gift of God. God is author and base of life and God is love. Address of God? Anywhere. His contact? Prayer.
May the New Year 2013 bring peace and joy and love to your hearts and homes and may it be pure enough for your God to reside and may you shine before others with the light of your God.
God bless...

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